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Should you invest with just $5?

Something that most people wouldn't consider doing with just $5, though, is investing in the stock market. A recent survey from Bank of America found that 40% of Gen Z have no investments, citing lack of additional funds . But today, there are ways to take even a small amount of money and get started investing thanks to investment apps.

Is $5 a lot of money to start investing?

Yes, $5 may not seem like a lot of money to get started in investing. Yet it doesn't matter whether you prefer to start investing with your spare change or to think outside the box and build a flourishing new business on a shoe-string budget, it's possible to grow even small sums of money into healthy nest egg for your future.

Are micro-investing apps worth it?

Micro-investing apps are a great way to invest with small amounts of money - even just $5. Depending on how you want to start, each app offers something different. Robinhood has zero fees but provides no investment guidance at all, while Stash helps you build a portfolio. And Acorns makes all the choices for you.

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